• #No,4, Balu Colony, Velingapattarai, Orikkai post, Kancheepuram.




  • Nerkalam women’s Federations (Irula Tribe)
  • Income Generation Activities
  • Self Help Groups promotion and strengthening the groups
  • Skill Trainings in tailoring, hand works, embroidery works for Irula Tribe girls, women, dalits and minorities
  • Handicrafts making for Gypsy Women (Narikurava nomadic tribe)
  • Human rights Education among women
  • Distribution of Solar lantern lights to Irula Tribe families ( formerly bonded laborer families)


• Children are facing challenges in India from their infancy to their late childhood and that increases if they are tribe, dalits and minorities. Children drop outs, nonstarters, child workers, are on the increase especially among tribes, and dalits communities due to sheer poverty and marginalization of their families.

• Children Watch engages itself in educating the children, their parents, relatives, neighborhood families and other stake holders on child rights, children education, children rights to freedom of association, education, plays, childhood experiences, nutrition, family, name, etc.
• Children Watch enables children of Irula Tribe families to enroll into the schools once they are eligible, mainstreaming if they are drop outs situations, and release them if they are child workers alone or with their parents.

• It runs, after school education centers, mainstreaming bridge courses/ workshops, school stationaries supplies, payment of school tuition and other fees, enroll them into the boarding system to continue their studies, guidance for their studies and higher studies.

• It has recently initiated child sponsorship exclusively for Irula Tribe children to bring strong changes in the education of Irula tribe children.

• Children Watch sensitizes the parents, family members on the importance of children education and sustaining of the children education seizing the opportunities for tribe students.

• Campaign against Child Marriages and prevention of child or teen marriages.


  • Skills and vocational training to young boys and girls
  • Human Rights Education
  • Guidance for Education, job placements, further training towards employment, self-employments.
  • Legal Awareness
  • Adolescent Health education and promotion

Health Education and Promotion

  • Water & Sanitation interventions, education, structures creation
  • School renovation works
  • Toilets, urinals provisions in public schools
  • Safe and Sustained drinking water to school children
  • Awareness against dengue fever, chicken guniya
  • Provision of mosquitoes nets to Irula Tribe families
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention Education among vulnerable and general populations

COVID -19 Response 2020:

Nationwide full lock down affected families’ support :

COVID 19 virus and its pandemic situation led to the families being remained indoors for almost 6 months in India without taking any work or getting income to make their families nutrition and other needs during these lock down months. In order to support the families who are not afford to resources and money to tide over the situation and lock down days, Children Watch did the relief works thru the distribution of dry ration to manage their family’s needs for weeks. Our volunteer and staffs are engaged in the relief works without fear of corona virus they are carrying relief materials, mask, hand sanitizer, dry ration package and distribute it each and every village. We organise people at local level and gave a awareness among them about covid 19 and its spread. Children Watch distributed rice, groceries, oil soaps, face masks to the Irula Tribe inter district migrant labourers, economically poor and marginalized families in Kanchipuram district.

Impact of the Relief Works:

  • Hundreds of families including children are saved from starvations.
  • Hundreds of families had reached a mask, sanitizer, soaps and awareness of hand washing techniques.
  • Hundreds of innocent lives are saved from covid 19 virus with our continued service.
  • Awareness created about Aarogya setu app
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